Wisdom from Women

Wisdom from Women

Throughout history there have been incredible women who have lead us, inspired us and encouraged us to do the right thing.

Today’s video is about Wisdom from Women.

 The woman in this short movie all have one thing in common; rather than taking the road well traveled… they decided to blaze their own trail!

Watch Here >>> Wisdom from Women

the joy of mom


Which famous quote do you resonate with?

Mine is “Nothing in life is to be feared.   It is only to be understood.” ~ Marie Curie

I hope you enjoyed Wisdom from Women…who made things happen.

[info_box] It’s time to celebrate life ladies!  Get your FREE Midlife! Your Life Has Just Begun Ebook here.[/info_box]

With all the pressures, that each of us faces in life, it is very easy to feel that we have totally lost control of where we are going.

You may feel like you are in a canoe being swept along a fast moving river with very little control on the direction you are taking and when to take it.

Yes, there may be periods when you get to some calm deep water. However, suddenly you may hit the rapids and feel helpless in what you can do.

Here are 3 Tips To Regain Control Of Your Life and Your Wellness:

health tips, holistic healthTip #1: Take personal responsibility for your actions. This means both positive and negative actions. All of us have the ability to enhance levels of wellness in our personal lives. In fact, we can’t look to others for that. So, see what works and what doesn’t in your life and work towards using your personal abilities and strengths to change that.

Tip #2:  Take a holistic approach to wellness. This means to take into account all the dimensions of yourself and your life that make up that wellness.

Tip #3:  Put forth the effort to be positive. This may be easier said than done, but remember that 20% of your life is what actually happens; the other 80% is your attitude towards that.

[info_box] It’s time to celebrate life ladies!  Get your FREE Midlife! Your Life Has Just Begun Ebook here.[/info_box]

Affirm to yourself:

“I deserve and accept vibrant health and wellness into my life right now.”

No Excuse Action Step:

Write down one of your favorite quotes from the Wisdom from Women and post where you can read it often.

Remember, I am here for you, to support and believe in you.

What other steps can you take towards regaining control of your life and personal wellbeing?

Leave us a comment below and share on fabcebook.


Josee Smith is known as the NO Excuse Health Coach specializing in helping professional working women who are sick and tired of struggling with overwhelm and stress to restore their energy and feel healthier and happier! She has designed step by step programs to help professional working women get started, keep focused, and stay motivated to reach their health goals faster than they would on their own. Josee takes a holistic approach, connecting mind, body and spirit, to help women turn stress into energy and vitality and live vibrant healthy lives.

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